Media Relations

Sacha has decades of experience in storytelling and engaging with the media. An understanding of their needs, their audience and developing positive relationships has been critical to not only expedition success and sponsor recognition, but also to engaging the public in conservation. 

A combination of amazing photos, videos, a compelling story and great relationships with journalists were key to the success of Flight of the Swans.

As an example, here is coverage of the expedition on BBC Autumnwatch, from the beginning of her last expedition

Media Coverage

The Flight of the Swans expedition generated over 1700 media articles in countries along the migration from Russia to the UK, and even more stories globally. A BBC video was in the top 10 stories globally for a week. A full media report is available for sponsors interested in supporting future expeditions and conservation work.

Here is Sacha talking about the expedition on a European chat show, and below is a summary of the media strategy for ‘Flight of the Swans’, in photos!
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It was truly inspirational and students and colleagues alike have been stopping me all morning to say how good it was.

Dr Rebecca Dawber
Wycombe Abbey

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